an amazing ost

published 24 October 2024
so, first REAL blog post and it's gonna be me gushing about a soundtrack i like... CRINGE!!!

nah i'm just kidding, but not about loving this soundtrack!

literally one of my favorite like, consistently good fnf mod soundtracks, with even the joke songs being good 😭 (see FEAR)

one thing i also really respect about the mod in general is that they switched from a gamebanana page to a full on neocities!!! (check it out)

which i haven't really seen another fnf mod do since (or before for that matter)

i think it's also really cool to see a lot of the V2 songs compared to the ones in this version

a good example of this is probably FOLLOWED which, unsurprisingly, is probably my like third favorite song in the ost, or at least up there

i think my favorite standouts from the whole ost tho are probably
smth like this (no particular order):


honestly overall tho, like any of these songs i could listen to on loop for hours

you don't wanna know the amount of school assignments i've gotten through listening to the whole soundtrack in one sitting

anyhow, that's about the end of my ted talk, hope you enjoyed lmao